Photo of the George S. Ryan Activities Center

KCC Student-Athlete Experience

At KCC, fostering student-athlete success in the classroom is paramount. The athletic department is committed to doing all it can to ensure this success.

“We expect our student-athletes to work as hard in the classroom as they do in their respective sports,” said Todd Post, KCC athletic director. “We want to give them as many opportunities as possible to achieve because it can be tricky balancing it all.”

One example of this commitment is the Athletics Study Lab, a new computer lab created specifically for KCC student-athletes. They have exclusive access to this lab to fulfill their weekly mandatory computer lab time requirements.

“To have access to our own space allows us to keep a closer eye on their academic progress while giving teams an opportunity to bond outside the field or court,” said Bryce Shafer, academic success coordinator and assistant baseball coach.

In the lab, student-athletes can access software such as Microsoft Office to complete their assignments. Red Canyon, a software system that keeps track of student lab visits, was installed on all computers so student-athlete lab time can be easily monitored. Student-athletes are required to spend a mandatory of four hours per week of study table time in the lab.

Baseball Head Coach Todd Post firmly believes the required student table environment breeds confidence and results for athletes both in the classroom and on the field.

“We (athletics coaches, administration, and faculty) are a united group; we all want every student to do well in the classroom so their efforts culminate in a degree,” said Post.

Academic monitoring ensures student-athletes are advancing toward a degree. KCC utilizes the software Canvas as a learning management system. Shafer is a ”Canvas Observer,” which means he can monitor grades and oversee class interactions between student-athletes and instructors. Shafer conducts bi-weekly grade checks and notifies coaches of any necessary interventions. This system has improved the success in the classroom and keeps student-athletes focused and eligible to play.

Another vital resource has been the implementation of a readily accessible tutor. Professor Josh Riley observes during study table, providing academic assistance in a variety of ways. ”Professor Riley has been a significant benefit to our student-athletes,” said Shafer. ”He takes the initiative to ensure that our student-athletes have the resources for tutoring and academic support. We could not have a successful academic mentoring program without the support of the faculty, and our department mission is in line with the school's mission of focusing on academics first.”

In addition to the computer lab and study table time, students also have access to free tutoring and study skills workshops--services that are available free of charge to all currently enrolled KCC students.

Post stressed that the culture of achievement for student-athletes starts at the top with KCC President Michael Boyd, Ph.D.

Funding for the computer lab came from the 2013 and 2014 Cavaliers Classic Golf Outing, an event co-sponsored with the KCC Foundation. To learn more about how KCC athletics are supported, visit the Donate page.